Ikea arrives on transport - 6/15/13 |
Ikea arrived on the 6/15/13 transport from Leech Lake Reservation. He was petrified and would not come out of his crate. We had to take the top off the crate so that we could coerce the scared boy to come out. So often, many of these beautiful animals we bring down from Leech Lake are scared ... many have spent 10 days at the Impound (the stray day hold), are then transported in a crate along with many other dogs and cats from Leech Lake to the cities (a 3.5 hour trip) ... despite all the love our transport volunteers provide, it is still all new and very frightening for these precious animals.
Ikea was taken in at the Golden Valley Animal Humane Society/AHS. He was given lots of love and attention by the animal care staff at AHS and given the time he needed to adjust to his new surroundings. On Thursday, 6/20 we were contacted by AHS that Ikea was not doing well. He was throwing up, had diarrhea, had blood in his stool and was very lethargic. He tested positive for parvo. As Jenny and I were preparing to head up to Leech Lake Reservation for the Puppy Roundup and vaccination clinic, we were thrown into immediate crisis mode to figure out what options we had for Ikea. We needed to move Ikea out of AHS as soon as possible so that we would not risk other animals at the shelter. Jenny contacted our temporary foster Heidi (yes, our volunteer extraordinaire!) who was already temp fostering 2 other dogs (who were in transition). Heidi immediately said yes, she would take Ikea and we would do what we could to nurse him back to health. Jean (LLL volunteer and foster with Carver Scott Humane Society) who has taken many of our parvo pups said she would provide whatever assistance to Heidi in caring for Ikea. We had a network of support lined up, and the transferring of animals began so that Heidi could focus on caring for Ikea in a quarantined area in her home. Heidi picked up Ikea on Friday, 6/21 and brought him home.
Ikea when he arrived ... getting weighed. |
We are happy to report that after 9 days of amazing care by Heidi, Ikea is now doing soooo much better!! He is no longer throwing up and his symptoms are almost gone ... he has also come out of his shell. Heidi shared with us yesterday that Ikea walks like a perfect gentleman on leash as well :) Yesterday, the sweet boy got a bath ... let's just say he wasn't a big fan of a bath, but he took great pleasure in shaking and splashing Jenny and Heidi with water and soap!! :)
Ikea will hang out with Heidi a little longer till he is completely symptom free, after which we will work to get him back to AHS to be placed up for adoption.
Ikea when he arrived on 6/15 ... he did not want to walk so was carried by AHS animal care staff to his kennel :) |
Ikea getting loving from foster Heidi (6/29/13) |
Ikea going for a walk (6/29/13) |
Happy boy! |
Bath time for Ikea ... |
Bath time for Ikea AND Heidi!! :) |
Love. |
Handsome, sweet smelling Ikea |